Twitter did not start ‘the movement.’ We all know that. Deray McKesson, Twitter’s “support provider,” which allows him privileged status, also did not start ‘the movement.’ The Movement brand. Is owned by the starters of this revolution. Our company, Taking Back the Radio LLC. Before Ferguson began, and before ‘The Movement’ even emerged on Twitter, it was growing by word of mouth and via social media. It was a ‘Movement.’ Not a hashtag. What was created digitally and physically through the influence of this movement can’t be duplicated. It’s not just a brand. It’s history. It was the slogan used by everyone trying to affiliate with ‘the revolution,’ and it is something that was never hidden from the protest movement or used to mislead people. The misleading came on Black Lives Matter trying to imitate a grassroots Movement. When the public started to follow Black Lives Matter and those affiliated (Deray McKesson, Shaun King, the Founders, etc.) the entire ‘movement’ changed. The Movement has never stopped, and fought against the social media platform Twitter, George Soros, even the DNC. However, what the public believed to be ‘The Movement,’ or ‘the movement,’ was completely co-opted in an intricate plan. And now Twitter is trying to erase its history. Everyone knows Black Lives Matter didn’t start the Movement in Ferguson. Everyone knows they didn’t start the protest movement, rather bussed in paid protesters weeks after things started and began to brand the already existing movements. Erasing the new organization's and movement's brand presence and re-branding everyone to ‘Black Lives Matter.’ What was deceivingly presented as a simple slogan, but was nefariously a malicious plan the entire time. When the people of Ferguson, and those in The Movement spoke up, they were slandered by this very organization and network. What was discovered recently is that the social media platform Deray McKesson directed everyone to for content, was sabotaging The Movement the entire time. They were violating their own rules, as shown below, by misleading the public about McKesson’s brand affiliation. McKesson was misleading the public about his affiliation to Black Lives Matter, as well as The Movement. The former was raking in millions in the name of ‘black lives.’ The hashtag and movements that started in Tiwtter CEO's own city, were sabotaged in favor of the Black Lives Matter brand, which McKesson and media was profiting off of. As you can also see below, users were dumbfounded when they found out he wasn’t affiliated with the Black Lives Matter brand. Notice how he identifies what he's discussing in his own press release. However, he’d went to the White House as a “Black Lives Matter” activist. Which we’re sure was a paid visit. He also gained media credibility from the visit under the Black Lives Matter brand, which increases his value professionally. Meanwhile, Deray McKesson was working with Twitter, and was a DNC surrogate providing updates to the Democratic establishment. He was not authorized to represent The Movement, and was aware. Deray McKesson, along with other “Black Lives Matter” activist defrauded the entire country about their affiliations and their intent. Which had implications on everyone involved, and our entire electoral process. In a Movement designed to protect American citizens from the state, this wasn’t just an act of greed or ego, this was an act of American sabotage. Something beyond partisanship that should not be tolerated in this country. While the main stream media tells you to focus on Russia, The Movement tells you to focus on the U.S. What was done in the political sector to sabotage the American people was unprecedented for this generation. Before the American people focus on big political words, vague political ideology and ‘resisting’ Trump, they should focus on political strategy, history, and learn what it takes to make true progress in this country. Corruption on 'either' side hurts us all.
Resist Trump when he’s wrong. Don’t resist just to resist. Learn to fight for principles and values rather than political figures or parties. Idols fool us all. As one of the largest social media companies openly sabotages a true, grassroots revolution, that was helping the American people, and bringing people together. Another is openly fighting for that revolution, and for solutions to improve the quality of living for us all. You may be able to erase digital data, but you can’t erase the history of The Movement, or the impact it had on this country or this world. It is ingrained in some people’s memory, and no SkyNet can take that away. This is why we started The Movement. We prepared for this.